New investment: MetaEstate

Cryptomeria Capital
1 min readSep 13, 2021


We are delighted to announce a new addition to our portfolio. MetaEstate is the new investment that we are happy to share.

MetaEstate is a full-service company that can help anyone build a presence in the crypto metaverses. The company provides various services including buying, selling/leasing virtual land, building, and immersive experiences for a wide range of users.

MetaEstate has significant resource advantages in strategic layout as well as reasonable and efficient team building. The provider has also accumulated experience in the successful commercialization of digital real estate, which attracted the attention of many investors simultaneously with the development of its (digital real estate) potential.

About Cryptomeria Labs

Cryptomeria Labs is a venture studio at the bleeding edge of the digital world in NFT, gaming, and metaverse space. Core business strategies include both developing projects internally and backing ambitious ideas as an early investor.

About Cryptomeria Capital

Cryptomeria Capital is a crypto fund backed by blockchain industry experts. The firm focuses exclusively on ventures, tokens, and projects related to blockchain technology and crypto-assets.

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Cryptomeria Capital

Passionate about the future of decentralized technology, we are investing in early stage projects